Cheek & Chin Prosthesis (Implants)

The ‘Face’ that we present to the world is one way we define ourselves. Although external appearances are only one aspect of beauty, our face is the first thing other people notice, and it is well established in medical literature that harmonized and in-balance facial features are considered attractive. Cheek and chin implants are often desired for cosmetic reasons, and are also invaluable in reconstruction surgery after an accident or illness.

Dr Laniewski has worked with plastic surgeons at London’s famous Harley Street, where he further refined his skills as a facial surgeon. During his time overseas, Dr Laniewski also worked at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London, renowned as a leading destination for breast, head and neck surgeons. Back home in Sydney, Dr Laniewski continues to provide the highest levels of expertise in surgical procedures, including those that alter the appearance of and repair damage to the chin and cheeks.


The implants are solid and durable structures that are biocompatible with existing organic facial materials. Their purpose is to augment or reconstruct facial contours. Choice of implant styles and shapes ensures they are kept in proportion with your face, resulting in more prominent cheekbones or a more defined jawline.


The first step is to have a consultation with Dr Laniewski. During this time, you will go through your medical history, including dental work, and inform the doctor of any prior reconstructive surgery on your face. Your consultation will help establish your goals, including any other surgeries planned for the future. In this way, every step can be taken at the appropriate time, and some surgeries can be performed concurrently.

Common reasons for cheek and chin implants include:

  • Wanting a more pronounced chin
  • To create a defined jawline
  • Achieving greater fullness and definition in the cheeks
  • Re-contouring facial structure that has changed with aging
  • Correcting deformities or disfigurement caused by injury, accident or congenital conditions


The surgery is performed in an accredited hospital usually as day surgery or an overnight stay followed by a return home the next day. The duration of the surgery will depend on your individual circumstances, but for facial implant surgery on an otherwise healthy face, it should take between two to three hours.

Cheek and chin implant procedures include:

  • Lower jaw: The implant incision is made inside the lower lip/gum junction, or underneath the chin.
  • Chin implant: An incision is made inside the lower lip/gum junction, or underneath the chin.
  • Cheek implant: The implant can be positioned through an internal incision inside the upper lip, or placed through the lower eyelid.

Dr Laniewski will advise you regarding appropriate foods and medications to be taken both before and after surgery. It’s also highly recommended that you refrain from smoking in the weeks leading up to surgery as this can impact your recovery. On the day of surgery, it’s advisable to wear a loose-fitting blouse or buttoned shirt that doesn’t need to be pulled over your face. Put a plan in place for someone to drive you home after surgery, and to stay with you on your first night back home.


Recovery time after a facial implant is usually under 2 weeks unless other, more extensive surgery has also been performed. You may require 1-2 weeks off work or regular activities.

Your home recovery program will be require a little advance planning. Useful items include:

  • A cold pack to ease pain and swelling
  • Creams or ointments prescribed by your surgeon
  • Soft foods such as puddings and ice cream, plus protein shakes for additional vitamin and mineral intake
  • Mouthwash as an alternative to brushing teeth

Any bruising or swelling should subside within a couple of days, and you will begin to see the effects of the change to your appearance.

Cheek Implants FAQ

How much do cheek implants cost?

It’s difficult to determine the final cost of cheek implant surgery without a personalised consultation. This is because there are several factors that need to be considered in order to put a more accurate quotation together, including hospital and anaesthetist fees. Whether or not a patient wants to combine cheek implant surgery without other procedures will also impact the cost. Unfortunately, this specific surgery will not be covered by Medicare or private health insurers.

What are cheek implants made of?

Cheek implants are made from a solid silicone, which makes them durable and long-lasting. It is rare for implants of this nature to have to be replaced or removed after surgery unless the patient wants wishes to make a change.

What are the risks associated with cheek implant surgery?

Bleeding, infection, poor healing of incisions and an allergic reaction to anaesthetic are some of the most common risks associated with any type of surgery. In the case of cheek implants, there is also a risk of asymmetry, numbness, scarring and implant displacement. Dr Laniewski will take you through all the potential risks and complications during your consultation so that you know exactly what to expect.

Will my cheek implants look natural?

Careful planning and discussion with your surgeon will ensure to achieve your desired result. Careful consideration is given to all facial features to ensure the appropriately sized implants are used. Dr Laniewski will help you choose the right size implant during your consultation.

Are there any alternatives to cheek implants?

Fat grafting and fillers are two alternatives to cheek implants. The number of injections that are required will depend on how much volume needs to be achieved. Dermal fillers contain a substance that occurs naturally in the body and binds to water in the cells. If fat grafting is used, excess fat is extracted from other areas of the body such as the arms, hips and thighs, processed and injected into the cheek area. These alternatives are less invasive than cheek implant surgery.

Chin Implants FAQ

How much do chin implants cost?

The cost of chin implant surgery will be different for everyone. Scheduling a consultation with Dr Laniewski is the best way to obtain a more accurate quotation. This is also because factors such as anaesthetist and hospital fees need to be taken into consideration. Whether the surgery will be combined with other procedures also matters. Unfortunately, this specific surgery will not be covered by Medicare or private health insurers.

How long do chin implants last?

Chin implants are designed to last a lifetime. They can be removed is if a patient decided they no longer wishes to keep them in place.

Will a chin implant impact my smile?

There’s no reason why your smile would be affected after chin implant surgery. The only thing that might temporarily alter your smile is swelling and a change in sensation, which is common after this procedure.

Can a chin implant improve my jawline?

Your chin does have an impact on other features, including your nose and jaw. By using implants to create a more defined chin, Dr Laniewski can balance your profile and alter the overall appearance of your jawline.

Does chin implant surgery leave any scarring?

The incision required to insert a chin implant is less than 5 cm, scarring is inside the mouth on the lower gum so not visible from the outside. Dr Laniewski will also provide you with specific